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The richest gem of the Sound
The Fishers Island Connection With New London, Connecticut
It is obvious to anyone looking at a map that Long Island and especially Fishers Island should be part of Connecticut and not New York. Charles II, who had his share of ups and downs, ignored geographic logic and included the islands in the patent he gave to New York in 1644. At the time the English took it from the Dutch, New York was known as New Amsterdam. The name change was in honor of Charles' brother, the duke of York, to whom the king gave the colony and those islands. The duke eventually became James II because Charles, despite having had several children, had no legal heir.
If there were justice or logic in the world, and the Pequots, the island's first occupants, would probably be among the first to suggest that their existence is an iffy thing, Fishers Island today would be part of Connecticut and part of New London. Actually, despite the artificial political designation, Fishers Island is historically and spiritually part of New London.
When New London began, its founder, John Winthrop Jr., built his first home on Fishers Island in 1644. According to Frances Caulkins in her History of New London, this house was the first English residence in Pequot country. Caulkins speculates that the island was a favorite "resort" of the Indians. She wrote:
After the destruction of the Pequots, this fair island lay deserted, unclaimed, waiting for a possessor Winthrop seized the favorable moment, and became the fortunate owner of one of the richest gems of the Sound.
Winthrop took steps to make sure his title to the island was well recognized. Before Charles' action nulled the debate, Massachusetts and Connecticut bickered over which colony controlled Fishers Island. Winthrop petitioned for and received ownership rights from Massachusetts (run by his father) in 1640 and from Connecticut the next year. After New York was awarded the island, Winthrop applied to that colony to recognize his claim. In 1667 New York generously granted him
an entire enfranchises township. Manor and places of itself, in no wise subordinate or belonging unto or dependent upon, any riding, township, place or jurisdiction whatever.
The Winthrops held the island for several generations leasing it out at profitable rates. Apparently, though, the island's independent status did not last. Joshua Hempsted (1), New London's diarist, noted that on Saturday, November 17, 1744, he went to Madam Winthrops because "The Sheriff of Suffolk County is come for Taxes for fishers Island for 22 years."
In his diary (1), Joshua frequently mentions Fishers Island. He went there often, mostly on business, sometimes for recreation, and occasionally because storms drove him there.
One of those stormy adventures occurred Nov. 13, 1738, when Joshua, his grandson Joshua, his daughter Elizabeth, and three others set out for Sag Harbor at 7 am. They were carrying 21 barrels of cidar for sale. The wind came up and by the time they were half way, the sea had become "very big & angry." To save the boat from foundering, they threw overboard several barrels of cidar. Joshua writes that "wee got Safe into fishers Island Hay harbour." They spent the night as guests of the resident tenant, Mr. Mumford, "who Entertained us very Courteously & would take nothing of me or mine." Joshua concludes the entry saying, "wee got no harm in our persons nor Boat though wee were very wet & very Cold. The Tops of my fingers are numb near froze."
Joshua has a pleasanter visit to the island Wednesday, Oct. 3, 1739, went he went there on something of a vacation with Madam Winthrop, Mr. Saltonstall and his wife and two children, Colonel Brown and his wife and child, and John and Ann Winthrop. They stayed four days. Thursday they all rode around the island. Friday a "great & fierce Storm" kept them inside. Saturday the party went hunting deer, bagging three.
The party left at 9 am Sunday to return to New London. They missed the tide and ended up in Mystick where they had to walk to a nearby farm and borrow horses. They finally reached New London about 8 that night.
Mostly, Joshua went to the island on business. His entry for Monday, June 20, 1720, reads "I went to Fishers Island & took on bord Mr Arnold 1536 lb Wool. I Lodged yr al night. next morning Wee Sat out for Hartford & arived on Saturday 25th." Other entries were:
Tuesday, April 6, 1731-fair. I went to Fishers Island & Justice Richmond to Receive the Stock of Mr Dickinson & Mr Mumford was their also went yesterd. wee got over before 8 Clock & counted out 1350 Sheep & 42 Cows & 20 Swine 16 of them Sows & 1 Boar 8 mares with foal 4 oxen &c. all the Rest of the Stock is in good order & lodged there.
Thursday, Nov 28, 1734-fair Cold. & I was at Madm Winthrops assisting to get Something from a white man & an Indian taken in killing Deer at fishers Island. they Compounded to give £4 to Madm & 50s to havens for Charge. the White man is Jere Jencks of Westerly & the Ind Tom a Servt to Ben Billings.
Thursday, Aug. 27, 1752-fair. I went with Mr Winthrop to fishers Island & Jer. Miller in Powers Boat. I Stayed there 3 nights. wee measured the Length of. the Island almost. wee began att the west point & Measured Six mile towards the East End & made heaps of Stones att the End of Each Mile & also measured the Distance from ye house to ye West point & also to ye East End.
For the Islanders, now as then, New London is their main land connection despite their political connection to New York.