New London Gazette


Parking Places Aplenty
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One of New London's features that makes it attractive is the existence of ample parking. Downtown New London has two multi-level parking garages as well as a large open parking lot extending over two long blocks. Both garages as well as the parking lot are an easy stroll to many attractions, stores, and restaurants.

All major tourist attractions, such as Ocean Beach, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Lyman Allyn Art Museum have large parking lots. And, of course, such tourist goals as the Red Roof Inn, Holiday Inn, and Lighthouse Inn provide extensive parking.

Unlike sprawling malls, where one has to trek across acres of barren asphalt before even reaching the mall entrance, let alone a store entrance, New London's downtown offers short pleasant strolls along interesting streets lined with 19th century buildings.

At historic sites, such as the Monte Cristo Cottage where America's famous playwright Eugene O'Neill spent his boyhood, or the Hempsted Houses that have no parking lots, visitors will almost always find plenty of available parking on nearby streets.

A large public parking lot off Pequot Avenue serves the marinas and popular restaurants in that area. The city's parks and playgrounds also provide parking spaces.

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